Saturday, October 9, 2021

Bamiyan Buddhas: Are the Talibans now their guardians?

 I refer to this news link that the new Taliban militia taking over Afghanistan are not guarding the site of the Bamiyan Buddhas that they once blew up in 2001. The photos below were taken before the huge statues were destroyed. Now there is just a huge empty space there. LOL - some Buddhists may say, perhaps this is a better portrayal of the true nature of the Buddha! But still, that does not mean, we should undervalue the representation of a Buddha image.

The whole world witnessed in horror how the Talibans blew up the historical site of 2 giant Buddhas (said to be the tallest in the world at that time) on grounds that they were un-islamic. This act is an act of atrocity to the Buddhists, but the Buddhists took this act calmly and did not over-react to their horrendous act. A lot shows on the part of Buddhists on our patience, wisdom and compassion we have for others that do us wrong. 

Apparently, now the new regime is keen to take care of the historical site. Suddenly they understand the value of historical sites? What took them so long to understand that? Look at Borobodur, which is in Indonesia, a country whereby the majority population is Muslim. They took care of it and look how much tourism it generated for Indonesia. 

But I am doubtful Buddhists will ever be keen to venture into that land of Bamiyan Buddhas in the near future. Whatever holiness there is in that site must have long gone! But Buddhists will be grateful if whatever stolen artefact are returned to UNESCO... and let UNESCO be the custodian of the artifacts! 

They are now guarding the site, not because of Buddhism or anything to do with understanding or appreciating the Buddha or Buddhist teachings, but only possibly because of their perception of its historical value. And possibly, to portray the new regime in a better light to the international community. 

If you like this post, do read my posting on Borobudur.

#BamiyanBuddhas #UNESCOsite

note: The above photos are taken from:

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