Thursday, April 22, 2010

Root Protector

I am really saddened and concerned about the many natural disasters and spate of "bad luck" that we, the inhabitants of Earth, have been facing since early this year. Even places of worship are not spared from destruction. Many monks and nuns perished in Yushu earthquake. And whoever have this thought that they are immuned from these disasters had better perish those thoughts from thier minds. Unless you are someone like Ven. Master Hsuan Hua, or be near someone like him, you will never be safe from earthquakes. When he was alive, it was widely believed that wherever he was, that place will not suffer from Earthquakes. And one of the reasons is because he has many dragons as his disciples.

Those living far from earthquake areas, should be careful of other disasters such as land slides, new illnesses/epidemics and other such possibilities. At such times, it will be advantageous if you have a root protector, for he will protect you to ensure you will continue to be able to practice. Root protector is part of the 3 Roots, i.e. Root Guru, Root Yidam and Root Dakini/Protector. There was a previous blog on this topic in the past. However, ultimately, the nature of your Root Protector is none other than the nature of your own mind. Ultimately you protect yourself by your own conduct and virtues... i.e. by following the teachings of the Dharma. So, even though Vajrayana talks about protectors and such deities, it doesnot stray away from the teachings of the Buddha whereby you are not confused by external protectors and our own inner virtuous conduct. For without inner virtuous conduct, all good protectors will run away. Let this be a reminder to myself!


Bodhiactivity said...

i am a great admirer of Venerable Hsuan Hua, such great unbelievable courage and great Bodhisattva... when i first read his story and vows, i just wept and wept...

how to find one's root protector

Mahabodhiyana said...

It is generally believed that we don't find our root protector, just like root guru. Rather they come to us when the time is ripe. But that does not mean we cannot pray to meet with our root protector in our daily prayers!

Bodhiactivity said...

ok, thanks! but how do we know if we have already met... for eg. maybe we have met many protectors...

Mahabodhiyana said...

Do you know who is your root guru(s)? When the appropriate guru-disciple meets, both just knew it. It's the same as meeting with your root protector.