Sunday, June 30, 2024

Bhante Phra Ek's Teachings : Dhamma Wheel Sutta (Part 2)

Continuing from the previous post on Bhante Phra Ek's teaching of the Dhamma Wheel Sutta. 

Notes from 1st day (part 2)


Cakkhu-karani = seeing (realising) the unique characteristics (visesalaksana) of the 5 aggregates, e.g. desire, jumping mind, anger, heat, skeleton, solid…)

Nana-karani = rising & falling of Dukkha and its associated cause. Seeing the universal characteristics (Samanyalaksana). Realising the 4 Noble Truths to completion (magga nana and yathabhutananadassana).

This “nana” is not normal “nana”, such as dejavu, intuition, etc) but is “nana” from spiritual insight.  


Upasamaya = tranquility
Abinnaya = direct knowledge
Sambhodhaya = enlightenment
Nibbanaya = extinguishment of Dukkha

In ancient India, 2 paths believed to bring ultimate liberation: -

- self-indulgence : the first cognitive process in the new life, rooted in greed.
- Self-motification : there was and still is a belief that purification and final deliverance can be achieved by rigorous self-motification. 

Abhisambodhi = unprecedented (in all realms of existence)

- Knowledge
- Realisation
- Wisdom’s light
What is it? …. RIGHT VIEW!

In short, the 5 clinging aggregates are Dukkha (whether wholesome or unwholesome also Dukkha).

Before the Buddha’s time, 

i. Those who hold the view that the body is Dukkha tried to abandon the body and entering immaterial jhana. #a
ii. Those who hold the view that the mind is Dukkha meditated to extinguish consciousness and entering Asannasatta realm, which are unconscious and experience nothing. #b
iii. The point is all Paths at that time attempted to cease Dukkha on the 5 aggregates, either the body or the mind. 

The Buddha extinguishes Dukkha at the view, i.e. the RIGHT VIEW. Not also at the 5 aggregates. 

The Buddha did not refer to a being as “a person/being”, instead he used the term “5 aggregates”. 

 #a : experience no body, only light and bliss. After death, will reborn in immaterial Brahma realm. They’l not have any body (no 5 senses). Cannot see, hear, etc – unable to her the Dharma nor see the Buddha. Even though the mind is pure, but it’s not enlightened. After kara expires, they will still be reborn and defilements will come back. So, defilements only temporary not-arising (Arupa loka).

#b : A person who dies from that state, if they die standing, will be reborn in Asannasatta realm in standing position, but no consciousness. Have eyes, ears, nose, etc, but no eye consciousness, no ear consciousness, etc. So, still cannot see even though have eyes. Cannot hear, even though have ears. 

31 planes of existence – Anagamins (Non-Returners) are reborn in realm #23 to 27. 

Do not forget to review the notes from Part 1 here -

Bhante Phra Ek's Teachings : Dhamma Wheel Sutta (Part 1)

Ven. Phra Ek Techadhammo from Thailand and who is a disciple of the LuangPor Ajahn Jamnian (reputed to be an Arahant) was in Malaysia for a 3-day teaching retreat at Triple Wisdom Hall. He was teaching on the Wheel Turning Sutta (Dhammacakkapavatana Sutta). I have taken some notes during the teaching based on what he said as well as what is shown on his slides. I do try to use actual words he said or those written on his slides. I would like to share these with you guys, but do take note these are my own notes. Please also remember that these notes are not part of the Sutta. These notes support the parts of the Sutta that the Bhante was teaching. Any mistakes are mine. 

Notes from 1st day (part 1)

The Noble Truth (Ariya Sacca)

Ari = as such

Ya = factor

Sacca = the truth that applies to all sentient beings

Ariya Sacca = the truth  (of 5 aggregates) that goes according to its true nature (i.e. birth, old age, death)

The unavoidable truth of the 5 aggregates are

i. Dukka Sacca = must have suffering

ii. Dukka-samudaya Sacca = must be the cause of suffering

iii. Dukka-nirodha Sacca = once arises it must cease

iv. Dukka-Nirodhagamani Patipada Sacca (magga) 

The end of the path is the discontinuity of the 5 aggregates. 

“When dukkha is treated correctly, we ourselves will have less dukkha”.

sleep a lot – will be reborn as snake  

talk a lot- will be reborn as bird

observe precepts, do some good deeds, practise meditation, but sleep a lot- will be reborn as Naga/Dragon.

11 Types of Dukka

1. Jati – new becoming (rebirth)

2. Jara- getting old (old age, including sickness)

3. Marana- death

4. Soka- sorrow

5. Parideva- lamentation – hysterical long, high cry, wailing

6. Dukkha- physical pain

7. Domanasa- displeasure

8. Upayasa- despair (excessive mental agony, burning body & mind)

9. Appiyehi sampaygo- union with what is disliked

10. Piyehi vippayogo- separation from what is liked

11. Yampiccham na tabathi tampi- not getting what one wants

The Buddha distinguishes 2 types of old age : 

- non-exquisite (every cells are ageing every moment from the time we are born, i.e. old age that cannot be seen)   

- exquisite (old age with white hair, body getting feeble, etc, i.e. that can be seen with eyes)

#PhraEk #Techadhammo #DhammacakkapavatanaSutta 

If you wish to read more, try this one