Friday, October 31, 2008

My Water Bowls

Yesterday after I counted my mantra accumulations, I realized that I have crossed the 200,000 mark earlier this week. Nothing much had happened to mark this occasion...

.… till this morning when my wife excitedly called me to come see “something”. I was getting dressed to go to office, when she came into my room and grabbed my hand. I was puzzled. I did not know what she was up to. She took me to our home shrine. She told me to look inside the water bowls I had there.

And what amazing things I saw there! Inside the water bowl, I saw tiny little droplets that look like tiny shining crystals. I did not use anything to touch the “droplets” but they are probably little pockets of air bubbles. And not just a few… there are so many inside. They appear not just inside one bowl, but ALL the bowls I had on the altar. The thing is, I had been doing water bowl offerings for more than a year, and had never seen anything like this before. I have been offering the water bowls daily, same bowl, same way I do it, yet not seen anything like that before, definitely they look beautiful. I guess it really does not matter what had caused the “bubble crystals”, but my motivation now is just to offer the beautiful “tiny shining crystals” in the water bowls to Rinpoche- my Guru, Chenrezig, all Buddhas and Arya Beings!

It is beautiful things like these that really make my day wonderful! Take a look at the stars sprinkled into the water bowls!

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