Monday, April 8, 2013

A Pure Aspiration Prayer To the Triple Gem: For the Benefit of Departed Ones

A Pure Aspiration Prayer To the Triple Gem: For the Benefit of Departed Ones
On this occasion where descendants remember, honour and respect their departed ones,
Representing my family and my line of ancestors and departed ones,
I offer these delicious food, beautiful clothes, precious jewels and precious metals,
Visualized in my mind,
Made of paper,
Or real,
I offer them all to the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats,
And all holy objects and representations of the Triple Gem.
May all of these items be transformed immediately,
Those burned in a fire,
and those that are not,
Turning into delightful objects
Through sacred words,
Pleasing to the Blessed Ones.
May They be delighted!
And taking this opportunity
To repent deeds done in error,
Committed by body, speech or mind,
Representing myself, my family and my line of ancestors,
All the way up,
We sincerely repent and regret!
May all sentient beings be blessed on this day called "Cheng Beng"! 
Om Ah Hum! Om Ah Hum! Om Ah Hum!
As I burn those offerings,
I think of the kindness of my parents, their parents and foreparents before that
Until time immemorial...
I think of the kindness of the Buddhas and my Precious Gurus,
It is so much more.....
"Infinite" would be inadequate to describe their compassionate deeds
Spanning the three worlds and beyond.
Even though some of these offerings are made of only paper,
I pray my sincerity in this pure aspiration,
Is capable of transmuting those ashes into pure blessings,
Thanks to what I have learned from Bodhisattva Samantabhadra,
Whose great aspirations and pure deeds,
Fill the myriad Buddha lands with pure gold.....
Liberating uncountable number of sentient beings! 
Even though I am not the great Samantabhadra,
May my humble aspiration not be any less!
May all sentient beings be blessed on this day of "Cheng Beng"!
Om Ah Hum! Om Ah Hum! Om Ah Hum!
In front of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats,
And the holy Triple Gem,
I am sorry if I am not a good descendant to my ancestors and departed ones,
But I do my best to benefit them
The way I know how....
It is just a simple offering -
Several types of fruits,
Some dishes with plates of rice,
A few cups of coffee,
Some clothes made of paper,
And gold and silver ingots made of paper.
Importantly engaging the pure ones to recite prayers,
But also personally reciting the Amitabha Sutra, Great Compassion Dharani and the Heart Sutra.
Hopefully may my departed ones and ancestors benefit from reciting those liberating words!
Dedicating the merits to them all,
May they be free from sufferings of the three lower realms!
May they be free from physical and mental sufferings of all kinds!
May they be able to meet with the Kind Gurus who are able to teach and transform them! 
May they have the merits and virtue to continue on the Path till final, complete enlightenment!
May all sentient beings be blessed on this day of "Cheng Beng"!
Om Ah Hum! Om Ah Hum! Om Ah Hum!
- this aspiration prayer was first written by me on 7 April 2013 but later it was extended to this version today (8 April 2013). For whatever it is worth, may all benefit from it! 

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